WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF 3D bioprinting has long held the promise of ending organ donation lists, now there’s an end in sight.   A team…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF ESA have laid out their plans to colonise the Moon by 2030.   The European Space Agency (ESA) is pressing…

The race for hypersonic speed has never been hotter In August 2011 a superfast unmanned military drone, the Falcon HTV-2 (Force Application and Launch from the Continental US…

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@mgriffin_uk” suffix=”#SpaceX #Mars #ElonMusk #NASA”]SpaceX sets its sights firmly on Mars[/inlinetweet] This week Elon Musk’s rocket company SpaceX said it would put its…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Googles D-Wave quantum computer breaks the speed barrier and leaves everything else in its dust.   Google announced a breakthrough in…