2016 August

Not to be out done by cars trucks are getting a green makeover too European car companies are finally starting to invest more heavily in…

China recently launched the world’s first quantum satellite, heralding in a new era of ultra-secure communications “The satellite is designed to establish ultra-secure quantum communications…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Being able to deliver drugs in situ within the human body precisely to the areas where they can do the…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The TOR network protects the anonymity of users in the Dark Web, now researchers think it’s the perfect tool to…

With [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@mgriffin_uk” suffix=”#Cars #Safety #FutureTrends”]US road deaths equivalent to “one 747 crashing each week”[/inlinetweet] the US Government and NHTSA agree to speed up the roll out…

The best way apparently to train one of the world’s best AI’s is to point it at two billion posts about cats Elon Musk’s artificial…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Can AI help children learn better? Perhaps…   What is green, very small, sounds like Yoda and boasts almost endless wisdom? The…

Uber is putting 100 autonomous cars on the streets of Pittsburg this month to beat its emerging competitors to the punch but it’s also the…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Facebook have kick started a trend of AI’s building more AI’s and it’s only going to accelerate.   Deep Neural…

Uzbekistan hunts for natural born winners To spot future olympians it’s common practice to wait to see if youngsters are actually good at any given…

Intel wants to dominate the next generation of “Things” and it’s joined forces with ARM the industrys’ dominant player In a move that would have…

The vastness of space means that traditional internet technologies are unreliable so [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@mgriffin_uk” suffix=”#nternet #ISS #NASA”]NASA’s building a new Space Internet system[/inlinetweet] This…