
Intel wants to dominate the next generation of “Things” and it’s joined forces with ARM the industrys’ dominant player In a move that would have…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Pokémon Go changed our children’s lives – okay, we’ll admit it – all of our lives. Now it’s hard to…


The US Navy’s new augmented reality helmet pushes diving into the twenty first century A new high-tech diving helmet being developed by the U.S. Navy…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As AI and other Robo automation tools and technologies become increasingly proficient it is increasingly clear that more and more…


Life gets more exciting when you take away the glass Entertainment has been evolving ever since the first multi cellular creature crawled out of the…


With 85 global websites, over 25 million app downloads and 12 million user generated reviews, an Expedia Inc. brand, is one of the worlds’ leading online…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The cartoon avatars that dominate today’s Metaverse could soon be yesterday’s news and make human interactions more ‘real.’   Love…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Using virtual reality is one way to on board new hires faster and more cost effectively, and Accenture are keeping…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Imagine trying to stop thousands of kamikaze drones – it’d be difficult to impossible which is why the US military…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF You love content, your kids love content, your old wifi router sucks and everything buffers. WiFi 7 restores bliss.  …


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF VR headsets are getting smaller and slimmer and it’s only a matter of time now before we see the first…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The future of work is arguably virtual, more specifically AR and VR, and companies are lining up to dominate this…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF We are all customers on a journey, to discover, evaluate, , buy, and use things, but technology is changing our…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF 6G is about 8 to 10 years away, but companies are already positioning themselves to be the leaders in the…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI learns in a different way to beat humans at, literally, their own games. Now it’s being used to coach…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Forget thinking linearly, when you think exponentially everything’s possible – including taking photos through walls.   Love the Exponential Future?…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As people start thinking about living more in the virtual world companies want them to be able to experience the…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Digital Avatars will mean that physical human death is simply a doorway into a new digital reality where our descendants…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As the superyacht industry hots up and competition intensifies superyacht companies have to work harder to stay at the leading…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Telepathic communication is the stuff of true sci-fi but we’ve already demonstrated that we can achieve it using technology, now…