WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Would you buy a virtual office building on a swanky New York street as an NFT? Someone just did ……
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF NFT’s are incredibly versatile and opening up a whole new way to buy all manner of things, from Tweets to…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Most people don’t want to sell their digital assets let alone pay taxes on them, so a new startup has…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Taking out a metaverse mortgage to buy virtual land and realty in a virtual world which could shut down is…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The metaverse has changed how we buy realty. It used to be the case we bought and cherished physical assets…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The world of retail is changing in all kinds of ways … Love the Exponential Future? Join our XPotential…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF NFT’s are normally used to sell digital assets, but this realtor’s now trying to use the technology to sell real…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF 3D printing houses for a fraction of the cost of building a traditional house will have consequences for the value…