
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI is easily tricked so Anthropic have given their AI a “Constitution” to follow meaning it has the capacity to…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI and other technologies will only improve from here so if one third of people can be fooled by them…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Since we haven’t created an ASI yet we could stop AI development today to prevent one from appearing so what…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Artificial intelligence is not controllable, the consequences are often unpredictable, and as these models get better at adapting to the…

WHY THIS MATERS IN BRIEF You are more intelligent than a computer AI, but that will change in time, but biology is still far superior…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As the text writing bot ChatGPT takes on the world more people are getting unhappy about it and now it’s…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The volume of information in the world is growing exponentially and data scientists can’t keep up with managing or sorting…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI, supercomputers and scientists created the world’s first living programable robots from frog cells, and they just spontaneously reproduced themselves…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF If we can take cells from an animal and grow meat from those cells then we can do it with…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Animal testing is controversial, on the one hand it helps get drugs to market and on the other kills and…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Social media algorithms are made to show you more of what you’ve seen before so it’s easy to get stuck…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Control is an illusion, and historically the smartest species has always wiped out less capable species,  so people are worried…