
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Metalenses are revolutionary – they’re nano-thin and flat which makes them the future of camera technology, now they could be…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Big tech companies watch you from the outside, now they can watch you from the inside, literally. And it also…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Foods contain all kinds of harmful or questionable artificial colourings, by using this new manufacturing method those can all be…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Being able to do things at the nanoscale, such as create molecular assemblers, means we need to be able to…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Moore’s Law is tapping out, and that’s a big problem for the future of computing, but this latest breakthrough could…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Corals today are under threat from climate change and warming acidic oceans, and if they can’t recover naturally they may…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As it gets easier to produce products of every kind, from parts for nuclear submarines to medicines, we need a…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF When electronic systems are manufactured today they’re fixed forever, but in the future they’ll be able to re-configure themselves opening…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Concrete is a huge contributor to global green house gas emissions, so finding new ways to curb those emissions helps…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As our ability to 3D print objects at the nano scale improves it gives us the ability to create dramatically…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The future of computing isn’t silicon, it isn’t even quantum, it’s biological, and it’s coming.   We’ve already turned bacteria…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As we develop more nanoscale things we need to be able to keep track of them and monitor them and…