
Moore’s Law might have been struggling recently but there’s no stopping universities churning out bigger and bigger chips Researchers at Princeton University want to give…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Rose’s Law for Quantum Computing highlights the new platforms sheer power to solve humanity’s and society’s most complex problems on, and…

Intels dominance of the data center chip market is keeping Google execs awake at night, now they’re reaching for the night nurse Intel’s crown jewel these…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Late to mobile and late to the Internet of Everything Intel’s also late to catching onto AI, but it’s now…

Intel wants to dominate the next generation of “Things” and it’s joined forces with ARM the industrys’ dominant player In a move that would have…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Being able to re-program quantum computers, in the same way we can re-program today’s computers will mean companies don’t have…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Caltech have built a new kind of microchip that can learn to heal its own information pathways.   One of the…

The Kilocore chip represents a step change in CPU power and efficiency Most of todays great advances in science and technology have been the direct result…

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@mgriffin_uk” suffix=”#MolecularComputing #MooresLaw #QuantumComputer #FutureTrends”]Scientists have demonstrated a new 0.167nm transistor[/inlinetweet] It’s no secret that companies like Intel have been finding it increasingly difficult…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Moore’s Law redefines itself for the next decade of computing.   Early in 2016 the worldwide semiconductor industry acknowledged what…

Ex-NASA Chief Dan Goldin has revealed his company KnuEdge, which develops neural chips that follow the principles of the human brain and produces voice recognition…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Many of the breakthroughs in artificial intelligence have only been made possible because companies now have access to previously unimaginable…