
With 85 global websites, over 25 million app downloads and 12 million user generated reviews, an Expedia Inc. brand, is one of the worlds’ leading online…


Life gets more exciting when you take away the glass Entertainment has been evolving ever since the first multi cellular creature crawled out of the…


It’s a matter of When, not If we solve Death and Generation Z could be the first generation to experience Immortality in their lifetimes. Today…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As AI and other Robo automation tools and technologies become increasingly proficient it is increasingly clear that more and more…


Experience your new kitchen in the comfort of your own corner of someone elses’ store Lowe’s is building the first announced business application for new indoor mapping…


The US Navy’s new augmented reality helmet pushes diving into the twenty first century A new high-tech diving helmet being developed by the U.S. Navy…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Pokémon Go changed our children’s lives – okay, we’ll admit it – all of our lives. Now it’s hard to…


Intel wants to dominate the next generation of “Things” and it’s joined forces with ARM the industrys’ dominant player In a move that would have…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The world is going “Digital” and the majority of companies in today’s world are either already becoming software companies, or…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF I take a look at the exciting Emerging Technologies that Apple could put into the next iPhone – but probably…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Augmented reality systems can be used in novel ways to change how you see the world and they have cross…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Pushing artificial intelligence to the edge of the network – to the device, and untethering it from the datacenter, will…


  WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The way we interact with technology is changing. We are slowly moving away from using keyboards and mice to…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Quantum computers are millions of times more powerful than todays traditional computers, if they can be developed and bought into…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As emerging technologies combine we’re entering the era where we can talk to machines in the same way we talk…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Telepathic communication is the stuff of true sci-fi but we’ve already demonstrated that we can achieve it using technology, now…


 WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Holograms are a sci-fi staple but manipulating light to create 3D effects is one of the most complicated challenges scientists…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Sometimes we can forget how powerful, and how immersive, technology can be and this short film provides a timely reminder….


  WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Mark Zuckerberg wants to create the world’s largest, and maybe only, telepathic network and he’s slowly pulling all the…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The next battle front in computing will be dominated by graphics – whether it’s 3D, AR, VR or simply even…