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Infographic: 3D Printing in schools, and preparing children for the future




  • Technology is changing our world at an unprecedented rate, and it’s only going to get faster, as a consequence today’s children will face a radically different future and they need to be prepared for it


Thanks to the team at for reaching out with this infographic that shines a light on the use of 3D Printing in schools, as well as a subject close to my heart, which is how we prepare our children for tomorrow’s world, one that will be drastically different from today’s reality, where, for example, on demand 3D printing will increasingly be the norm, and where Creative Machines and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new manufacturing technologies, such as 4D Printing and Nanomanufacturing, and even Molecular Assemblers, will come together to create robots, like this one, that self evolve and then print themselves off in the printer. Take this one step further with 4D Printing and they’ll “evolve” themselves, print themselves and be able to walk right out of the printer… and much, much more.

If you’re an educator then I’d love to hear your views about how you’re preparing our children for careers that will span fifty years when the rate of change is already so rapid, and if you’d like to hear more about my work with a number of UK Local Education Authorities (LEA’s) where I’m helping “fine tune” after school programs and curriculums then just ping me. Now over to the infographic and best of luck, Matt.


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If, ten years ago, someone would have told a manufacturer or a doctor that they could print airplane parts or prosthetic limbs on a printer, they would have shaken their heads in disbelief. It just wasn’t possible – or even probable.

Luckily for everyone, 3D printers have changed all that, both for business, non profits, organizations, and home. 3D printers cut down on waste, they cut down on pollution, and they make highly intricate design both accessible and customizable. And 3D printing also holds the promise to transform the classroom, especially the study of the highly coveted STEM cohort, also known as science, technology, engineering, and math fields.


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STEM is unique in that it aims to emphasize discovery, experimentation, and exploration, all qualities that can be enhanced by integrating the potential of 3D printers in the classroom. How else can 3D printers combined with STEM learning prepare students? Use this infographic, or go to the Quill’s site to find out more.



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