Every month we scour the world for the latest emerging technologies and choose the one we will feel will have the greatest impact on the world in the future .
Every month we scour the world for the breakthrough innovations that will have the greatest impact on the world in the future .
AT THE 311 Institute we put all of the latest emerging science and technology news in one place – right at your fingertips. Here you can read and learn about the hundreds of N+’X’ technologies and trends and the thousands of jaw dropping breakthroughs that will shape our future. Then, having read through everything you can hop over to our library, explore our Codexes and gigantic content library, full of keynotes, podcasts, opinion pieces, and videos, to learn even more about them all.
Lockheed Martin just successfully tested the US Military’s next generation “Kill Chain” Following hot on the heels of the US Navy’s first successful tests of…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF 3D printed munitions just became a thing. Last week, the Marine Corps‘ Next-Generation Logistics office quietly printed, and then…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Aircraft carriers are the perfect forward operating platforms to create, deploy and support countless autonomous drone platforms, this move signals…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Now that we have access to advanced gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR, it is inevitable that we will progressively…
With no human driver this huge dump truck has no cab and never turns around Autonomous vehicle technology is still in its infancy, which means…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Who needs to buy real flowers any longer when plastic ones are good enough? Tick tock. Shape-shifting objects can…
The oceans are home to coral reefs, ship wrecks and now – datacenters Continuing its long tradition of datacenter experimentation in the name of efficiency,…
Cities might have a monopoly on driverless cars but Amsterdam has driverless ships The idea of self-driving cars cruising our roads may not be a…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The only humans these Lettuces see will be the one who eats them. The Japanese lettuce production company Spread believes…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Botnets are exploiting security vulnerabilities in the Internet of Everything devices to launch the world’s largest DDoS attacks Hot…
Someone is probing the critical infrastructure of the internet for weaknesses and the attacks are getting larger Many people think the internet is persistent with…
The former racer and IndyCar team owner can control the Corvette using head movements and voice commands Following a horrible wreck back in 2000, IndyCar…
Microsoft has been toying around with FPGAs and now they’re on track to turn Azure into the world’s biggest supercomputer Microsoft is embarking on a major…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The technology behind Google’s AlphaGo is about to give Google Translate a major upgrade and it’s within a whisker of…
Microsoft wants to to give everyone access to artificial intelligence and a supercomputer Earlier this year, Google’s DeepMind artificial brain conquered a world class champion at the…
Humans prove once again that we make lousy drivers but at least no robots were hurt in the crash When, oh when oh when will…
Be in no doubt, this is the greatest time to be an Entrepreneur and to change the world for the better of all mankind Arguably,…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Making the leap to become an interplanetary species will happen but Musk wants it to happen by 2022. Now…
Vancouver and Seattle should be connected by a driverless highway, according to some high-tech entrepreneurs The proposal, which involves dedicating at least one lane on…
Google’s machine learning based image software has come a long way but nature still has it baffled Google has just released the latest version of its open…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF New artificial skin can transmit different amounts of pressure, just like real skin. Many of us take our sense…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Amazons new patent could change the look of your community forever. It looks like Amazon is finally answering a…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Now drones never need to “sleep” again. Quadcopter drones are great for all kind of things from filming to…
Blockchains momentum keeps rolling on with another company announcing another major push Another company jumped on the blockchain bandwagon in a big way, with Wanxiang’s…
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