
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF I’ve been saying this for almost a decade, and now one of the most famous people on Earth just voiced…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF By being able to call and interact with third party systems, AI’s, apps, scripts, websites, and more hackers have found…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF It turns out that the old Turing Test to determine if an AI was intelligent or not isn’t quite fit…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF We think that humans will be the only entrepreneurs in the future, but I’m already seeing AI’s that can ideate…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF We are in a new world of business where the old rules of creating value largely no longer apply and…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Today there are still far too many companies that fail to see the enormous potential within their people, or provide…

Data is the new oil Over the next ten years the Internet of Everything – the ability to use an increasingly broad variety of sensors…

With their organisations and industries under siege from hundreds of thousands of lean, digital start ups many industry leaders are starting to seed creative disruption…

Building a billion dollar Unicorn isn’t easy but Silicon Valley has cracked the code of how to build them For those want to be Entrepreneurs among…

Survey says: “24% of CIO’s don’t believe their industries are facing disruption.” 24%. By anyone’s measure that’s a high number so it was with surprise…

Four of Europe’s largest banks reveal their Fintech scouting strategies To an Entrepreneur attention is oxygen so imagine the electricity that flows through a room…

  Disrupting the banking experience can only be achieved through team work   In 2008 banks were considered to big to fail and sovereign Governments…