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Futurist Virtual Keynote, Europe: The Future of Cyber IN-Security, ME


Cyber security is about to become a much bigger headache for everyone and we need to be better prepared for what’s coming.


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Firstly, thanks to Delaine at Management Events in Malaysia for all her hard work in creating what was the first in what will be a multi-year series of events where together we’ll be showcasing, and then discussing, the future of a wide variety of topics – from the Future of Cyber In-Security, to the future of Exponential Leadership, sustainability, transportation, and much more.


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In this, the first keynote and roundtable session in the series, I discussed the future of cyber security including future threats and, more importantly what organisations and CISO’s can do to protect themselves in an age where increasingly all it takes to cripple a country’s infrastructure is one hacker with an internet connection.


Watch the keynote in full


From encoding malware into strands of DNA to hack police forensics labs, to de-extincting viruses and creating the next pandemic, to RATS attacks and robo-hackers that are capable of autonomously discovering and exploiting systems – and then evolving – we discussed it all.

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