
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI LLM’s from big companies have guardrails and filters, but cheaper open source LLM’s don’t or won’t which means they…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Increasingly people are finding using Bing and ChatGPT are better than using traditional Google search, so Google is loosing share…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Creating even “small” AI models takes up extraordinary amounts of computer power, but as computers get more powerful and cheaper,…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF If you thought that being able to see life through someone else’s eyes was impossible well not it isn’t ……


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF In military terms over match refers to military superiority, and the US is worried it’s loosing its over match capability…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI is coming to augment doctors today, but eventually it could replace them but it’ll be a long time before…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI will have a profound impact on jobs, it will fully automate some, partially automate others, but also augment many…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Quantum computers can optimise and re-configure even the most complex global supply chains in real time, so they’re going to…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF In the race for AI dominance Google released BARD to compete with ChatGPT but major errors in the demo caused…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As humans and AI continue to crack the secrets of biology one day we could see AI create instant cures…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As the text writing bot ChatGPT takes on the world more people are getting unhappy about it and now it’s…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Being able to literally teleport energy could eliminate the need for energy infrastructure … in about the year 2300!  …


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The ability to store solar energy in batteries for a long time opens up some interesting battery opportunities …  …


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Imagine you knew exactly what was happening in all the cells in your body in real time so you could…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Essentially the human body is an amazing machine, and as scientists understand it better they’re managing to code it to…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF GPS systems are expensive to create and launch, and they’re also often highly guarded by governments and militaries for good…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Rubber is a natural companion to concrete that can help extent its longevity, but until now the two haven’t been…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF What if your cars battery lasted longer than you could live?   Love the Exponential Future? Join our XPotential Community,…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Cancer is still one of the world’s biggest killers but new personalised treatments seem to be working with staggering results…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF There are lots of legacy gas systems around, from jet engines to gas plants, and this could give companies a…