The world was already changing rapidly before COVID-19, and post COVID the rate of change is set to accelerate.
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Firstly, I’d like to thank Catherine, Greg, and the team at Condé Nast and WIRED for inviting me to be their keynote speaker which, because of the current Coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, ended up being moved online and conducted via the now infamous Zoom video conferencing app.
During the presentation, which was appropriately entitled Full Speed Ahead as we look forwards to life after COVID, I did a fast take on how Coronavirus has changed the way people and companies think about the future, and the long tail implications it will have for companies, their industries, their workforces, and their strategic visions from here on in.
One of the most top of mind topics for most executives and leaders around the world at the moment is Work From Home, or WFH for short, especially as it relates to how companies keep their workforces engaged and productive, manage and monitor their mental health and wellbeing, and formulate policy as more employees are offered the opportunity to work from home.
See the keynote
To address some of these challenges during the presentation I demonstrated and discussed a host of new ways that exponential technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Vision, as well as other technologies and tools, can be used to help alert companies to problems and allow them make helpful employee interventions, as and when needed.
Then, after delving into COVID’s legacy I then shone a light on a number of other topic areas including the accelerating rate of innovation, and ergo disruption, as well as the future of jobs and skills – all of which were being changed increasingly rapidly by the emergence of new exponential technologies pre COVID but that now, post COVID, are likely to be supercharged as companies re-design their workforces, accelerate their digital transformation initiatives, and continue to embrace automation in all its various forms.
I hope you enjoy the short video, and if you have any questions or concerns about any of these topics then please feel free to reach out, after all, we’re all in this together.