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Futurist Virtual Keynote, MENA: The Future CFO, CWI


The future CFO will need to be more tech savvy and help co-create the future of the businesses they support.


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Firstly, thanks to Sarmad the CEO at Corporate World Intelligence (CWI) for inviting me to be the keynote at this years CFO Summit, which due to the pandemic and as is usually the case these days was held virtually.


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Needless to say the past 18 months or so have been some of the most turbulent any of us have experienced and this once in a generation event has both wrecked company’s fortunes as well as made them – with many of the traditional established industries, such as hospitality, logistics, manufacturing, retail, and transportation being tipped on their heads, and others, such as energy,  entertainment, finance, insurance, and healthcare being supercharged. And, from the CFO’s perspective while this brings both opportunity and disruption, it also brings headaches and long tumultuous nights.


Watch the keynote in full


Even before the pandemic took hold CFO’s were increasingly required to juggle a whole range of expectations and requirements, from safeguarding liquidity and financial reporting, all the way through to staying abreast and on top of compliance, ESG, and new risks.


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In this presentation I discuss the different options that CFO’s have in front of them today to help businesses thrive and seek out new purpose, I shine a light on numerous ESG trends and risks, and we dive into the wormhole to explore the impact of new technologies on their businesses and business models.

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