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Featured Futurist: The Jobs of 2040, Telegraph


Technology has always automated away human jobs but it has also led to a fantastic growth in new jobs, in this feature article with the Telegraph Matthew Griffin explore what those future jobs could be.


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Firstly, thanks to Marianne and the Telegraph for interviewing me and inviting me again to collaborate with them on their Jobs of 2040 article which went live the other day after a couple of weeks of discussions, proofing, and formatting.


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Featured Futurist: The Future of the Office, Silicon Valley Business Journal



We are all too often told that the majority of our jobs will be automated by the year 2030 – up to 50% of all jobs in fact – by technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and many others. And, as exponential technologies become increasingly sophisticated and advanced not only are we continuing to see manual work automated in new ways but we are also seeing more cognitive work, such as coding, cyber security, data science, equities trading, and many others also being automated with increasing voracity and speed – speeds which thanks to the negative news networks are having an increasingly serious impact on people’s mental health and outlook on life.

While there is a reason to worry, especially if your employer doesn’t have HR and training programs that help you move between different jobs and career tracks, not all is lost – after all technology has always automated jobs, but it’s also created many more, and this is what we looked into for the article.


See also
Featured Futurist: Preparing for the Future, Carphone Warehouse


The result was a fascinating dive into the future of work and you can read more about the jobs that will exist in the future below.



Source: Telegraph

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