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Futurist Keynote, UAE: Futurism, Pandemics, and the Future of Knowledge with the UNDP and MBRF


During this keynote session, in Arabic, speaker and futurist Matthew Griffin discusses the future of knowledge and insightful machines, how to spot and stop the next pandemic, and how to become a futurist.


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Firstly, thank you to Muna for asking me to present at the MBRF Knowledge Summit held at the Dubai Expo 2020 main arena on behalf of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) where leading luminaries came together in front of an audience of international dignitaries to discuss the latest developments and ideas in the Knowledge Economy and how they can be used to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges.


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During my keynote session I discussed many things, including the future of knowledge itself,  with a focus on how and what we learn, and how technology is helping us learn new things in new ways – whether it’s using neurotech to upload knowledge to our minds, Matrix style, or whether it’s the emergence of AI’s that, without human input, create their own knowledge which in many respects differs from our own knowledge and “wisdom.”


Futurism, Pandemics, and the future of knowledge, rewind and relpay


I was also asked by the organisers to present on how to think like a futurist – something I know quite well – and how we spot and, for want of a better word, solve the next pandemic.


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From new sensors and detection systems that let us spot the early emergence of the next pandemic, to new technologies that will help us counter it, we left no stone unturned and it was all done in forty minutes or so. As you can see from the video I crossed a lot of territory, and at the end of the session had changed a lot of people’s world view.

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