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Futurist Virtual Fireside Chat: The Future of Transportation, P3


Digital and exponential technologies are transforming every sector, decentralising services, and are having a major impact on the future of infrastructure planning and investment.


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Firstly, thank you to Kirsty at P3 for inviting me to take part in their annual P3 Hub Americas event where Jim Ray, Corporate president of HNTB, the biggest supplier of infrastructure services to the US Government, and I participated in a fireside chat to discuss the Future of Infrastructure, which included everything from educational and healthcare to energy and transportation infrastructure, and the impact that new emerging and disruptive trends across all these various sectors will have on the future of infrastructure projects and investments.


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During the session we discussed everything from the development of new Mach 1 and Mach 3 Hyperloop trains, and the impact that they could have on air travel, as well as the importance of a data driven approach to traffic management and optimisation, then discussed the impact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having on improving the dire traffic situation within Smart Cities around the globe.


See the session in full


Not to be left out though we also discussed the future of energy infrastructure and, by association, the impact new energy technologies will have on electric vehicles, and then discussed what the future has in store for education and healthcare infrastructure investments across the US and the world.


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All of which is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg as new exponential technologies, as well as new government strategies and investment strategies, continue to have an increasingly transformative and disruptive impact on both the kind of infrastructure we envision, build, and invest in.

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