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Futurist Virtual Fireside Chat, UK: The Road to Recovery, KPMG


The world is changing faster than ever, so we go and take a look in the wormhole …


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Firstly, thank you to James Stewart, KPMG’s Vice Chairman for asking me to take part in KPMG’s first event of the year which, again, because of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic was held online and streamed live to thousands of attendees around the world.


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During the event, aptly titled The Road to Recovery, we heard from Tony Danker, the newly appointed CEO of the Confederation of British Industry which represents over quarter of a million British businesses, and heard how Brexit and the pandemic are impacting overall business confidence and strategy.


See the replay

We also heard from KPMG’s Rebecca Okuda about the impact of Brexit on UK and European businesses and business operations, and then the floor was turned over to KPMG’s Chris Hearld who took us on a journey of his own and discussed the future of cities.


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During my session James and I discussed a wide variety of future topics including the future of work and the workforce, all the way through to how exponential thinking and emerging technologies can help businesses of all sizes disrupt the status quo and prosper on the global stage like never before. And, as always, if you like what you hear and would like to know more then I’m just a mouse click and a DM away.



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