Four years after Elon Musk first gave the Hyperloop concept to the world Hyperloop One have just finished building the world’s first test track.
The Hyperloop concept, a futuristic transportation system that speeds passengers seated inside pods through low pressure tubes at blistering speeds of about 760 mph (1,220 km/h), and that would make the Japanese bullet train look about as advanced as a British milk float was first posited in 2013, by SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk.
Ever since that day companies, such as Hyperloop One have been trying to make that dream a reality, signing contracts with the Dubai government and floating the idea of a global network of Hyperloops. Now the first Hyperloop network has taken one step closer to reality with the completion of the first test track in the Nevada desert and testing itself, we’re told, will begin in the next few months.
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