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Levi announce plans to supplement human models with digital ones


We can see a point int time where many human models will be made redundant by digital versions, but in the interim companies are using soft phrasing to cushion the blow.


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The rise of digital humans, and virtual influencers like Lil Miquela and others, who signed deals with fashion labels like Diesel and Prada a long time ago, has long been lauded as just a couple of reasons why the days of the professional human model might be numbered. And now, in another hammer blow to wanna be models everywhere Levi, the jeans and clothing company, has announced they’ve teamed up with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) company to generate virtual models that will wear its clothing. The company announced its partnership with “digital fashion studio” earlier this week.


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“Later this year, we are planning tests of this technology using AI-generated models to supplement human models, increasing the number and diversity of our models for our products in a sustainable way,” the announcement read.


Make your own model


The Amsterdam-based was founded just a few years ago in 2019, according to the announcement, and apparently uses AI to create “hyper-realistic models of every body type, age, size and skin tone” for brands and retailers. The studio describes their virtual models as “body-inclusive” and geared towards cultivating more personal and sustainable shopping experiences.

Levi’s website and app currently show just one model wearing each product. With the integration of AI, customers will be able to see models of all skin tones, sizes and ages.


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“While AI will likely never fully replace human models for us, we are excited for the potential capabilities this may afford us for the consumer experience,” global head of digital and emerging technology strategy at Levi Dr. Amy Gershkoff Bolles said. “We see fashion and technology as both an art and a science, and we’re thrilled to be partnering with, a company with such high-quality technology that can help us continue on our journey for a more diverse and inclusive customer experience.”

Levi’s has yet to reveal when it plans to roll out the AI models across its website and app or how consumers will be able to personalize the models to reflect their own features.

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