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The Entrepreneurs Guide to Building a Disruptive Organisation


Be in no doubt, this is the greatest time to be an Entrepreneur and to change the world for the better of all mankind

Arguably, with an infinite number of ways to disrupt the existing status quo of business, civilisation and society, there has never been a better time to be an Entrepreneur. This presentation, complete with insights into future industries, is based on my experience within, and my research into, many of the world’s most disruptive and successful organisations is my attempt to provide you with a guide and a journey plan that you can follow that will hopefully help you disrupt that status quo.

Over the past ten years the cost of building, scaling and resourcing a business has fallen over a thousand fold and with access to new advanced technologies, and combinations of technologies the opportunities to transform the way we live, trade and socialise have never been greater.

Good luck, be inspired and reach out if you need anything.


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