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Futurist Keynote: The Future of Mobility with SlovakiaTech


In this keynote speaker and futurist Matthew Griffin presents the future of mobility and transportation, highlighting both the obvious and non-obvious technologies and trends that are re-shaping the industry in more ways than many people realise.


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Firstly, thank you to Lydia at SlovakiaTech, Slovakia’s biggest tech festival held in Kosice every year, for asking me back again after a three year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to be this year’s keynote where the theme of the festival was sustainability.


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During my keynote, entitled the Future of Mobility, I discussed why the future is about mobility and mobile services, “not just transport,” and did deep dives into how new technologies are helping vehicle manufacturers enter new markets with increasing ease – whether it’s the energy markets or realty markets, or even the hotel business, and many more.


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I also did deep dives into the future of energy and showed the audience how companies including Hyundai and Toyota are already looking beyond the battery powered electric vehicle (EV) to a future where vehicles are batteryless and run on anything from hydrogen to solar power with ranges that stretch from thousands of miles per tank to unlimited mileage.


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After the keynote I then sat down with several local dignitaries, including the Solvakian Finance Minister and CEO’s from local energy and supply chain organisations, to discuss Europe’s current cost of living crisis, its impact on Europeans and the EU, and what we can all do to create a more resilient and equitable future.

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