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New smart kinetic clothing records and plays back your breathing


If you’re training AI can help you improve your technique, and now it can help you get your breathing right too.


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In the past I’ve shown you new tech innovations that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to coach E-Sports gamers, and others that track your body’s movements then give you prompts to improve your gym technique and violin playing. But as any expert knows form is only part of learning how to be the best at something – breathing also plays a huge role.


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Now, hot on the heels of the unveiling of the world’s first digital fabric, complete with its own inbuilt AI, researchers have developed an entirely new kind of fabric, and while it could be used to help improve athletic performance it could also find other applications too – including being used to help show people how to deal with stress and breath calmly to help them improve their mental health.

Now, imagine if you were an amateur singer or athlete in training, and you were able to “feel” the manner in which a professional breathes while they’re performing. That’s just one of the potential uses of a new “smart” fabric.


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Known as OmniFiber, the technology is being developed by scientists from MIT, Uppsala University, and Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology.


Introducing the new smart fiber


It takes the form of inexpensive, stretchable, yarn-like fibers with a braided polymer outer sheath, an underlying layer of soft material that detects stretching or compression as a change in electrical resistance, and an inner elastomer tube that contains a fluid medium such as compressed air or water. The fibers are thin and flexible enough that they can be sewn, woven, or knitted into sheets of fabric, using existing commercial textile machinery.


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When the wearer of a skin-tight garment made of that fabric breathes – or moves in any other way – the fibers are able to measure the extent and location of that movement. An attached compressor can then replicate that pressure in the fibers, allowing a different wearer to experience the sensation of breathing in the same fashion as the previous wearer.

Additionally, it is hypothesized that clothing incorporating the fibers could help patients recovering from surgery or respiratory illnesses to re-establish proper breathing patterns.


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In proof-of-concept tests conducted so far, a corset-like undergarment made of the fibers has successfully been used to monitor and play back the movement of the respiratory muscles in a trained opera singer, while she was singing.

“We eventually were able to achieve both the sensing and the modes of actuation that we wanted in the textile, to record and replay the complex movements that we could capture from an expert singer’s physiology and transpose it to a non-singer, a novice learner’s body,” says Ozgun Kilic Afsar, a visiting doctoral student at MIT. “So, we are not just capturing this knowledge from an expert, but we are able to haptically transfer that to someone who is just learning.”


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Plans now call for the OmniFiber technology to be developed further, and to possibly be used for movement training in disciplines such as calligraphy or dance. It was presented this week via the online Association for Computing Machinery’s User Interface Software and Technology conference.

Source: MIT

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