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Futurist Keynote, Finland: Creating the Sustainable Future, ME


The world still faces plenty of challenges, from climate change and social issues to economic ones to name a few, but there are ways we can move the dial on all of them.


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Firstly, thank you to Delaine and the team at Management Events again for putting on a great episode in our second CXO Series together where it was my pleasure to give a keynote on “Creating the Sustainable Future” – a broad dive into all of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) and how organisations can use them to their advantage to create purposeful sustainable businesses and minimise their own impact on society and the planet.


See also
Futurist Keynote, Sweden: The Future isn't Digital, ME


Today, everyone knows that the world faces extreme challenges that are getting more extreme by the day – whether it’s climate change which is fuelling extreme weather, the acidification and warming of the world’s oceans, and diminishing global bio-diversity, or whether it’s the global wealth gap that’s shows no sign of decreasing, or the global institutions which are being undermined.


Watch the keynote in full


During my keynote I covered all 16 UN SDG, summarised the problems we face as a society, and presented solutions to all of them that organisations can use as a guide and a template to make their businesses, and the world a more equitable, fairer, and sustainable place.

People. Planet. Purpose.

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