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Futurist Keynote, UK: The Future of Risk with KPMG


During this leadership session with KPMG’s European risk teams speaker and futurist Matthew Griffin shines a light on the futuristic risks that could disrupt businesses in the near future.


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Firstly, thank you again to Caroline Rivett at KPMG UK, one of the world’s “Big Four,” for asking me to kick off their risk teams annual European Leadership Summit and share my insights into the Future of Risk – especially technology and emerging technology risk.


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While there are absolutely no shortage of risk to talk about the session had a two-fold purpose, on the one hand to help KPMG and its managing partners open new client doors and differentiate their risk related conversations, and on the other expose the audience to a whole world of new risks and new risk categories that they hadn’t seen before. Or in some cases even thought of before. And even though it was a short session we managed to cover a lot of ground before going to Q&A.


Relax and rewind


Some of the risks I talked about were naturally cyber related, but I also showed off new sci-fi like Phy-Cyber risks – an entirely new category of risk that’s the convergence of biology and cyber – which have already been used to hack police forensics labs and hospitals.


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And then, of course, we discussed procurement and supply chain risks, the importance for organisations to prioritise resilience while at the same time being agile and flexible, the role that scenario planning can play in uncovering and solving emerging risk, political and environmental risk, and much more.

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