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Futurist Virtual Keynote, UK: The Future of Customer Experience, The Supper Club


The future of CX is personalised, real time, and convenient, obviously, but what happens when Creative Machines can make you the perfect product on demand before you even ask for it?


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Firstly, I would like to thank Warren, and Monica at The Supper Club, a members only networking club that brings thousands of the UK’s top CEO together to share business and investment advice, for inviting me to be this years keynote at their annual summit in London, which, yet again because of COVID-19 was held virtually.

Just ask any government and they, as Tony Danker, CEO of the UK Confederation of British Industry (CBI) recently told me, will tell you that SME’s are the life blood of every economy, and during the pandemic many of them have been hit especially hard so it was a privilege to be able to share my own expertise and point of view on their topic of choice – the Future of Customer Experience. And we looked all the way out to 2040.


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Futurist Virtual Keynote, USA: Proof we live in an amazing Sci-Fi world, The Mentor Project


Even before the global pandemic drove more people’s entertainment and shopping habits online dramatic leaps in technology, from the power of our smart devices and the speed of our networks, to the resurgence of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality, meant that the customer experience as we used to know it was already changing faster than ever before.


See the virtual keynote in full


As companies innovated on top of increasingly cheap and ubiquitous technologies, such as cloud, and digitised their businesses and products, customers everywhere found themselves being able to do anything anywhere in real time – from having a health check up in the middle of a field right through to trading shares and learning new things from the comfort of their gardens.


See also
Futurist Keynote, Switzerland: Our Abundant Energy Future 2050, The Ark


Today we live in a world where real time is the new minimum, where zero is the new effort, and where hyper personalisation is the new expectation. But there’s so much more around the corner, and that’s what I cover in this keynote so sit back, enjoy it, and if you have any questions then just ask Ana my digital human – after all, I’m in the garden trading shares while ordering a drone delivered pizza. Awesome.

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