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The worlds first virtual CEO takes the reigns at a Chinese gaming company


Why should it be humans that run companies, especially when some of us are good at running those companies into the ground? Now it’s AI and the robots turn.


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Is this the end of the corner office as future virtual CEO’s settle into more of a corner cabinet in the datacenter? The world is odd, and people are odder. Following on from the appointment of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the board of directors at a Hong Kong hedge fund, and Amazon and Uber being sued because their AI’s have been firing people autonomously, the world of technology continues surprise. And that’s before I talk about Fortune 50 CEO’s immortalising themselves in digital form so they can run companies from beyond the grave …


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Now, after I and Jack Ma predicted ages that one day CEO’s would be automated China based mobile game company NetDragon Websoft have announced that they’ve appointed an AI powered digital human – a “virtual human being” – as their CEO called “Tang Yu.”


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The appointment was made on August 26 and the virtual CEO, Ms. Tang Yu started her position in the company’s principal subsidiary, Fujian NetDragon Websoft.

According to the company’s statement, Tang Yu will support decision-making during the company’s daily operations and provide a more effective risk management system. She will also be used as a real-time data center and analytics tool for the board, which unsurprisingly maker “her” a really weird kind of CEO.


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Tang Yu’s duties also include providing a fair working environment for the employees.

It would not make much sense to think of today’s technology without AI, therefore, the founder of the company Dr. Dejian Liu, also emphasizes the importance of this spurt in the company.

“We believe AI is the future of corporate management, and our appointment of Ms. Tang Yu represents our commitment to truly embrace the use of AI to transform the way we operate our business and ultimately drive our future strategic growth,” said Dr. Dejian Liu.

“Looking forward, we will continue to expand on our algorithms behind Tang Yu to build an open, interactive and highly transparent management model as we gradually transform to a metaverse  based working community, which will enable us to attract a much broader base of talents worldwide and put us in a position to achieve bigger goals,” he also added.


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One of the most respected and well-known online game developers in China, NetDragon was founded in 1999 and has produced a number of popular games, including Eudemons Online, Heroes Evolved, Conquer Online, and Under Oath. With the management’s goal to build the largest global online learning community and deliver real integrated blended learning solutions to every school in the world, NetDragon has also begun to scale its online education business in recent years.

In 2010, NetDragon Websoft began working in the field of education to create “the greatest learning community internationally.” The company has also made several acquisitions in the areas of community and education, including the establishment of the UNT-NetDragon Digital Research Centre through a collaboration with the University of North Texas.

On July 3, 2017, NetDragon announced that it had acquired American educational software publisher JumpStart Games. NetDragon also acquired a 100 percent stake in the UK listed Promethean back in 2015.

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