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Featured Futurist: The Climb to Digital Transformation, Cherwell


Digital transformation programs were already being prioritised before Covid-19 arrived, but post Covid they’re going to be supercharged.


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Firstly, a big thanks to Ann and the team at Cherwell Software who in 2018 invited me to be their keynote speaker at their annual European Conference in Reading in the UK alongside the amazing Sir Ranulph Finnes, and then again asked me to participate at this year’s conference albeit that this year it turned out that Covid-19 had a distinctly different agenda for us all in store which resulted in that particular events cancellation.


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Still, never ones to be outdone by a virus or a pandemic we of course went digital instead and now that companies around the world are all announcing their plans to accelerate their digital transformation programs post Covid-19 it seems that the trend that was already at the top of everyone’s minds has now just been supercharged.


Adapt or Die, the original 2018 Cherwell keynote

With all this in mind then the series that Cherwell, I and others have been contributing to and developing over the years now seems more pertinent than ever, so if you’re wondering where to begin when we enter the “new normal” of the “new world” then here’s as good a place as any.

So sit back, enjoy a rewind and watch last year’s Cherwell keynote, and if you want to push your digital thinking to the maximum then why not have a look at some of my other keynotes on the Future of the Workplace with Accenture and the Future of the Workplace with Aon.



Ask yourself this question: If you could envision the future accurately how do you think that would alter the way you design and develop your company’s digital transformation programs? For example, would human-like avatars that sell to and serve your customers come into your mind, and how would the emergence of a fully autonomous and automated new competitor change your vision? These are just two of millions of future narratives that are already here and being spun up by companies – the future is not what you think.

In this Cherwell blog I discuss some of the new style thinking that I, as a Futurist, think companies should be thinking about, and if you are still hungry for more then feel free to explore our first of a kind Codex of the Future series.



One of the greatest challenges with any new program, especially in an age where disruption is the only constant, is determining where to begin, so in this series I and others explore the barriers to overcome and the success factors needed to develop, implement, and execute future fit digital transformation initiatives, and we discuss this in the following guide. Click here for the source if you can’t see the embedded content below.



This is not the end …

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