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Futurist Keynote: The Future of Entrepreneurship in a Sci-Fi World, 1BW


In this session keynote speaker Matthew Griffin discusses the critical thinking and skills entrepreneurs and want to be entrepreneurs need to launch and grow their business in a world where the old rules of business generally no longer apply.


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Firstly, thank you to Stelios at 1BusinessWorld for asking me again, I think now for the seventh time, to be the keynote for 1BW’s Global Entrepreneur Summit which is normally held in New York but that again, for the third year in a row was held virtually online.


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As the opener for the event I was asked to give a keynote on the future of what else but entrepreneurship in an exponential world, and as a serial entrepreneur with some failures but also increasingly more successes under my belt, I was not only happy to oblige but relished the opportunity – especially as one of the core missions of the 311 Institute is to help more people around the world build their own start ups and literally launch their own futures.


Exponential Entrepreneurship in the Age of Sci Fi Startups keynote


During my keynote, which was aimed at younger generations of entrepreneurs but which saw over 3,000 people from all sorts of backgrounds watch online, I discussed the importance of identifying problems worth solving and also being able to build products, but also discussed the importance of support, mental health, and tackled the myth that to start, grow, and succeed in today’s world you need money when in fact what you really need is resource, which is a completely different problem to tackle.


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I also, naturally, discussed many other topics and issues that entrepreneurs need to think about when they’re boarding the plane, so to speak, as well as when they’re trying to re-build their aircraft in mid flight and pivot at speed – something that’s more common than people think.

Overall it was a great session and it was great to give back again and I look forwards to the next event we have together!

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